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ROBERTSON Rachel Siow博士

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Recent publications:


  • Robertson, R. S., George, J., Johnson, M.K. (2023). “Building for Joy in the Digital World”. In S. Fukuda (Ed.) Affective and Pleasurable Design. AHFE (2023) International Conference. AHFE Open Access, vol 71. AHFE International, USA. 
  • Robertson, R. S. & Johnson, M. K. (2023). “Moral Education in and for Virtual Spaces”. In D. W. Yacek, K. H. Gary, & M. E. Jonas (Eds.), Moral Education in the 21st Century (pp.231–259). Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781009170291.016 



BA (Hons),  University of Cambridge, U.K.

MPhil, University of Cambridge, U.K.

PhD, University of Cambridge, U.K.

Taught previously at:

University of Cambridge, U.K.

The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion, U.K.


Courses Taught currently

  • GTSC 2006 Becoming Critically Thoughtful Cyberworld Citizens
  • RELI 3056 Philosophy of Mind, Consciousness, and Personal Identity

Teaching area(s):

History of Western Philosophy
Immanuel Kant




Philosophy of Mind

Philosophy of Language


Philosophy of Science

Science and Religion

Research area(s):

Philosophy of Technology; Immanuel Kant

Current project(s):

Online Course: An Introduction to Digital Ethics

Selected output(s):
  • Robertson, R. S., George, J., Johnson, M.K. (2023). “Building for Joy in the Digital World”. In S. Fukuda (Ed.) Affective and Pleasurable Design. AHFE (2023) International Conference. AHFE Open Access, vol 71. AHFE International, USA. http://doi.org/10.54941/ahfe1003255 
  • Robertson, R. S. & Johnson, M. K. (2023). “Moral Education in and for Virtual Spaces”. In D. W. Yacek, K. H. Gary, & M. E. Jonas (Eds.), Moral Education in the 21st Century (pp.231–259). Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781009170291.016 
  • Robertson, R. S., George, J., & Johnson, M. K. (2023). “MIIND and HEART: Measuring and designing for thicker qualities of user experience”. Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Ethics. INSEIT, Vol. 1(1). https://journals.library.iit.edu/index.php/CEPE2023/article/view/274 
  • Johnson, M. K., & Robertson, R. S. (2023). “A Co-Liberatory Framework for Big Data”. Zygon: Journal of Science and Religion, 58(3), 749–769. https://doi.org/10.1111/zygo.12880 

Selected Conference Presentations:

  • “Building for Joy in the Digital World” (with J. George). Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE) International Conference (virtual). July 2023 
  •  “Engineering Integrity for Artificial Intelligence”. Virtuous AI?: Cultural Evolution, Artificial Intelligence, and Virtue, Center for Theology and Natural Sciences, GTU Berkeley (virtual). July 2023 
  • “MIIND and HEART: Measuring and Designing for Thicker Qualities of User Experience”. International Conference on Computer Ethics (virtual). May 2023 
  •  “Artificial Intelligence and Integrity: A Virtue Theoretical and Design Approach”. Ethical and Social Implications of AI, Hong Kong Baptist University. March 2023 

Selected Research Grant:

Project Grant, United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia (2023-25)

Project Title: "Online Course: An Introduction to Digital Ethics"


Follow-on Funding, New Visions in Theological Anthropology Project, University of St Andrews (JTF Grant 61508). (2022-23)

  • Project Title: “Building for Joy in the Digital World”