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CHECKETTS Levi Mahonri博士

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CEC 905
  • Associate Director, Centre of Applied Ethics

  • Organizers and lead for Pontifical Council for Culture (Vatican) Committee for AI Concerns in Asia
  • Member of Human Enhancement and Transhumanism Steering Committee for American Academy of Religion
  • Fellow with Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences



BA, University of Notre Dame, USA

MTS, Boston College, USA

PhD, The Graduate Theological Union, USA

Taught previously at:

Santa Clara University, USA

St Mary’s College of California, USA

Holy Names University, USA



Courses Taught currently

RELI 4067 Environmental Ethics


Teaching area(s):

Christian social ethics, Technology ethics, Theology and Science, Human rights, Business ethics, Environmental ethics, Existentialism and phenomenology, Theological Studies of Technology


Research area(s):

Christian ethics of new technologies, Artificial Intelligence ethics, Theological Studies of Technology, Transhumanism, Economic ethics, Theology and Science, Mormon ethics

Current project(s):



Republishing Carl Mitcham and Jim Grote’s Theology and Technology: Essays in Christian Analysis and Exegesis with updated essays.


Monograph under contract with Fortress Press on Artificial Intelligence epistemology and poverty.


Leading AI concerns committee with scholars from across Asia to consult on social and ethical concerns of AI for the Vatican.

Selected output(s):

Poor Technology: Artificial Intelligence and the Experience of Poverty. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2024.

“The Poor as Symptom: A Lacanian Reading of the Option for the Poor.” Religions 14, no. 5 (May 2023): 639.

“Outing Gay Priests: Toward a Theological Ethics of Privacy in the Digital Era.” Journal of Moral Theology 12, no. 1 (January 2023): 1-24.

Carl Mitcham, Jim Grote, and Levi Checketts eds. Theology and Technology Volume I: Essays in Christian Analysis. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2022.

“The Sacrality of Things: On the Technological Augmentation of the Sacred.” Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 25, No. 1 (February 2021): 130-152.

Selected Conference Presentations:

“Latent Extropianism in Cross-Border Surrogate Pregancies: Devouring the Poor in the Name of the Free Market” (June 2021). College Theology Society Conference (online).


“Technology and Religion: On the Technological Augmentation of the Sacred” (March 2021). Arnold Lecture at Gonzaga University in Spokane, WA.


“Invisible Faces in Invisible Spaces” (July 2020). TheoCom 2020 Conference at Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA.


“The Christian Response to Entropy: Reading Pierre Teilhard de Chardin against Himself on Violence” (June 2019). Catholic Theological Society of America in Pittsburgh, PA.


“The Geoengineering Trolley Problem and a Jonasian Solution” (January 2019). Society for Christian Ethics 2019 Conference in Louisville, IN.