宗教、哲學及倫理月 講座系列 - 人生苦樂 ︳Month of Religion, Philosophy and Ethics 2024-2025 : The Joys and Sorrows of Life
宗教、哲學及倫理月 講座系列 - 人生苦樂 ︳Month of Religion, Philosophy and Ethics 2024-2025 - The Joys and Sorrows of Life
Religious Organizations, Humanitarian Assistance and the Real Needs of People in Sub-Saharan Africa
21 November 2023
Nationalism, Nation and Sacrifice in the Chinese Church
10 November 2023 (Fri)
宗教、哲學及倫理對談會 2023-2024
2023. 11. 08. [ 三 ]
The Multiple Ways of Printing and Circulation of “Precious Scrolls” in Early Twentieth-Century Shanghai
2023. 11. 03. (Fri)
Preparing the Future: Ethics of Peace and War
2023. 10. 25. (Wed)
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