The Questions of Origins: Contemporary Science, Philosophical and Religious Perspectives

- 日期
- 2023年06月16日至17日
- 地點
- 善衡校園 SCT 503
- 語言
- 英語
The Questions of Origins: Contemporary Science, Philosophical and Religious Perspectives
Date and Time: 16/6/2023, 09:00–17:30 and 17/6/2023, 09:00–13:00
Venue: SCT 503 (LT 3), Cha Chi-ming Science Tower, Ho Sin Hang Campus, Hong Kong Baptist University
Plenary speaker: Prof. Luke Barnes (PhD Astronomy, Cambridge University)
Keynote 1: Finding Design in Physics (16 June, 09:15-10:45)
Keynote 2: How God can use Randomness (17 June, 09:00-10:30)
Language: English
Registration fee: $20 (free for invited speakers and students)
Conference Schedule
16 June 2023 (Fri)
09:00-09:15 | Chairperson: Dr. Chan Man Ho (Associate Professor, Department of Science and Environmental Studies, The Education University of Hong Kong) |
Opening Ceremony - Prof. Li Wai Keung (Dean of Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences; Research Chair Professor of Data Science, The Education University of Hong Kong) - Prof. Stuart Christie (Executive Associate Dean, Faculty of Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University) - Prof. Kwan Kai Man (Professor, Department of Religion and Philosophy, Director of Centre for Sino-Christian Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University) | |
09:15-10:45 | Chairperson: Prof. Stephen Tsui (Professor, School of Biomedical Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong) |
1st Keynote Speech: Finding Design in Physics - Prof. Luke Barnes (Theoretical Astrophysicist, Cosmologist, and Postdoctoral Researcher, Western Sydney University) | |
10:45-11:15 | Tea Break |
1st Session: Chairperson: Dr. Benedict Chan (Associate Professor, Department of Religion and Philosophy, Hong Kong Baptist University) | |
11:15-11:45 | 1. Cosmology and Fine-tuning - Dr. Chan Man Ho (Associate Professor, Department of Science and Environmental Studies, The Education University of Hong Kong) |
11:45-12:15 | 2. Is Nothing Really "Simpler and Easier" Than Something? - Dr. Andrew Brenner (Assistant Professor, Department of Religion and Philosophy, Hong Kong Baptist University) |
12:15-12:45 | Q & A |
12:45-14:00 | Lunch |
2nd Session: Chairperson: Dr. Domenic Marbaniang (Part-time Lecturer, Department of Religion and Philosophy, Hong Kong Baptist University) | |
14:00-14:30 | 3. The Consecration of the Ordos Desert: Teilhard's Mass on the World and the Prospect of a Cosmic Liturgy - Dr. Levi Checketts (Assistant Professor, Department of Religion & Philosophy, Hong Kong Baptist University) |
14:30-14:45 | Q & A |
14:45-15:15 | 4. A Further Reply to Robert Nola: Comparative Assessment of Theistic & Naturalistic Explanations - Prof. Kwan Kai Man (Professor, Department of Religion and Philosophy, Hong Kong Baptist University) |
15:15-15:30 | Q & A |
15:30-16:00 | Tea Break |
3rd Session: Chairperson: Dr. Lee Chi Sing (Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, Hong Kong Baptist University) | |
16:00-16:30 | 5. On God and the Beginning of the Universe: An Evaluation of Recent Discussions - Dr. Andrew Loke (Associate Professor, Department of Religion and Philosophy, Hong Kong Baptist University) |
16:30-17:00 | 6. On a Non-Teleophobic, Semiotic Cognition of Xenobots - Prof. Ahti-Veikko Juhani Pietarinen (Professor, Department of Religion & Philosophy, Hong Kong Baptist University) |
17:00-17:30 | Q & A |
17 June 2023 (Sat)
09:00-10:30 | Chairperson: Dr. Andrew Brenner (Assistant Professor, Department of Religion and Philosophy, Hong Kong Baptist University) |
2nd Keynote Speech: How God can use Randomness - Prof. Luke Barnes (Theoretical Astrophysicist, Cosmologist, and Postdoctoral Researcher, Western Sydney University) | |
10:30-10:50 | Tea Break |
4th Session: Chairperson: Dr. Qu Li (Part-time Lecturer, Department of Religion and Philosophy, Hong Kong Baptist University) | |
10:50-11:10 | 7. Origins of Morality: Theory of Evolution, Confucianism, and Chinese Christian Theology - Prof. Lai Pan Chiu (Professor, Department of Cultural and Religious Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong) |
11:10-11:30 | 8. 大內卷語境下的生命價值與信仰生活 [in Putonghua] - Prof. Liu Xiaoting (Professor, Department of Philosophy, Beijing Normal University) |
11:30-11:50 | 9. On the Relationship between Reason and Faith from Kant's Idea of the Kingdom of Ends [in Putonghua] - Prof. Guo Jing (Professor, Department of Philosophy, Dalian University of Technology) |
11:50-12:30 | Q & A |
Public Talks:
1. The Fine-Tuning of the Universe for Life
Speaker: Prof. Luke Barnes (PhD Astronomy, Cambridge University)
Date: 16/6/2023 (Fri)
Time: 19:00–21:00
Venue: ICA, Shop 209-220, 2/F, 33 Marble Road, North Point
Language: English
2. Is the Universe an Accident?
Speaker: Prof. Luke Barnes (PhD Astronomy, Cambridge University)
Date: 17/6/2023 (Sat)
Time: 20:00–22:00
Venue: St. Andrew’s Church,138 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Language: English
About the speaker:
Luke A. Barnes is a theoretical astrophysicist, cosmologist, and postdoctoral researcher at Western Sydney University. He received his PhD in Astronomy from the University of Cambridge in 2009. He is a John Templeton Fellow. He has published papers in the fields of galaxy formation and the fine-tuning of the Universe for life. He is the author, with Geraint Lewis, of "A Fortunate Universe: Life in a Finely Tuned Cosmos”, published by Cambridge University Press. He has also published papers on the philosophy of science, and regularly engages in public outreach through public speaking, articles in the popular press, and social media.