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宗教、哲學及倫理對談會 2022-2023

Dialogues in Religion, Philosophy and  Ethics  2022-2023


Dialogues in Religion, Philosophy and Ethics


主辦 Organizer:

香港浸會大學宗教及哲學系︳Department of Religion and Philosophy, HKBU


協辦 Co-organizers:

香港浸會大學應用倫理學研究中心︳ Centre for Sino-Christian Studies, HKBU

香港浸會大學中華基督宗教研究中心︳Centre for Applied Ethics, HKBU


對談會宗旨  Purpose of the Dialogues:

宗教、哲學和倫理(RPE) 的學科與人生息息相關,不單引人入勝,也富爭議性。對談會並非要分出輸贏的辯論,而是讓兩位有稍為不同觀點的學者,友善地、學術地坦誠交流,讓不同的論點互相激蕩,讓護員和聽眾一起深刻反思、尋求真理。


Religion, philosophy and ethics (RPE) are three closely related disciplines that affect everyone’s life. Questions arising from them are always fascinating, though they can be sometimes controversial. The dialogues series, instead of following the traditional way of a debate (to present arguments by two opposing teams and to find out the winning side at the end), is held within a more friendly setting. In each dialogue, two scholars with different views will be invited to exchange their ideas on a topic that may arouse public interest. Given this public platform, it is also hoped that both speakers and audience will have the opportunity to reflect deeply, seeking the truth together.


對象 Target:

香港浸會大學學生、教職員及公眾人士 ︳ HKBU Students, Staff and Public 


報名及詳情 ︳Details and Registration


Stay tuned to our website and social media platforms in January 2023.

第一場 First Talk


題目 Title



日期及時間 Time and Date:

2022. 11. 22. [ 二]  晚上6時至8時


講者 Speakers:

劉創馥 教授(香港中文大學哲學系教授)

關啟文 教授 (香港浸會大學宗教及哲學系教授)


主持 Moderator:



語言 Language:



地點 Venue: 

逸夫校園 永隆銀行商學大樓103室 (WLB103)  


簡介 Description :



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第二場 Second Talk  


題目 Title:

Do All Religions Lead to the Same Destination? Religious Exclusivism versus Religious Pluralism


日期及時間 Time and Date:

2023.02.10 (Fri). 6:00-8:00pm


講者 Speakers:

黃勇教授 ︳Prof. HUANG, Yong

Professor, Chairman,

Department of Philosophy, Chinese University of Hong Kong


倪佳道明神父 ︳Rev. Dr. ROONEY, James Dominic (Alan), OP

Assistant Professor,

Department of Religion and Philosophy, Hong Kong Baptist University


語言 ︳Language:

英語  ︳ English


地點 ︳ Venue: 

逸夫校園 逸夫行政樓5 樓會議廳

Council Chamber, SWT 501 Shaw Tower, Shaw Campus


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第三場 ︳Third Talk



Is It Ever All Right to Have Beliefs, Such as Religious Beliefs, That Are Not Supported by Sufficient Evidence?


日期及時間 Time and Date:

2023.03.18 (Sat) , 10:00am-12:00nn


講者 Speakers:

王偉雄教授︳Prof. WONG, Wai Hung

Professor, Department of Philosophy, California State University


Dr. BOONE, Mark Jeremiah

Assistant Professor,

Department of Religion and Philosophy,Hong Kong Baptist University


語言 ︳Language:

英語  ︳ English


地點 ︳ Venue: 



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第四場 ︳Forth Talk





日期及時間 Time and Date:

2023.04.13 [四], 4:00-6:00pm


講者Speaker : 黃慧英教授(前嶺南大學哲學系副教授)


回應 Respondent : 李少芬博士(香港浸會大學宗教及哲學系副教授)


語言 ︳Language:

粵語  ︳ Cantonese


地點 ︳ Venue: 



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