  • EN

Europe Study Tour 2023 (Application Deadline : 14 Mar 2023)

Europe Study Tour 2023  (Application Deadline : 14 Mar 2023)

Subsidy from  the department


Level of subsidy

Subsidy amount

Selection criteria for receiving the subsidy



cGPA as of Sem 1, 2022/23:

at least 3.0



cGPA as of Sem 1, 2022/23:

at least 2.8



cGPA as of Sem 1, 2022/23:

at least 2.5


Information Session

  • Date:   13 March 2023 (Mon)
  • Time: 5:30-6:30pm
  • Venue:  OEM602
  • Speakers/ Tour leaders: Dr. Mak, Fr. Rooney and Dr. Loke

If you are interested in joining the tour and would like to get more updated information about the logistic and requirement of the tour, please make the online registration at https://hkbu.questionpro.com/t/AWK7WZxJFP by 10 March 2023.


Application Procedures

If you have decided to join the study tour, please submit your application at this link https://hkbu.questionpro.com/t/AWK7WZxJB5 and pay a deposit of HK$3,000 at Hang Seng Bank (HKBU Account no: 283-338366-001 and quote ref: REL TOUR). Then please submit the original bank-in slip with your student ID number and English name marked at the back of the slip, together with a copy of the travel document and the latest HKBU academic transcript downloaded from BUniPort to the General Office (CEC1001) on or before 5:00pm on 14 March 2023 (Tuesday).