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Minor Programme – Curriculum Structure

The Minor Programme in Religion, Philosophy and Ethics consists of 15 units, comprising 3 units of core course and 12 units of elective course.

Core Courses3 units
Elective Courses12 units
Total15 units


Core courses

  • Students are required to take one 3-unit required course from courses below:
Course Group
RELI 1005Quest for Truth and Meaning3
RELI 2006Introduction to Christianity and Civilizations3
RELI 2007Problems of Philosophy3
RELI 2015Approaches to the Study of Religion3
RELI 2027Introduction to Chinese Philosophy and Religion3
RELI 2035Introduction to Ethics3
RELI 2036Social Scientific Study of Religion3

Elective courses

  • Students are required to take four 3-unit elective courses. Out of the four elective courses, three courses must be chosen from any of the following four groups (Group II, III, IV or V). Only one course could be chosen from each group. The fourth course could be chosen from any elective course groups (Group I, II, III, IV or V). Students are required to complete at least one 3-unit course at Level 3 or above.
Group I
Foundational Course
RELI 1005Quest for Truth and Meaning3
RELI 2006Introduction to Christianity and Civilizations3
RELI 2007Problems of Philosophy3
RELI 2015Approaches to the Study of Religion3
RELI 2027Introduction to Chinese Philosophy and Religion3
RELI 2035Introduction to Ethics3
RELI 2036Social Scientific Study of Religion3
Group II
Philosophical Studies
RELI 3006Major Streams in Chinese Philosophy3
RELI 3007Philosophy, Meaning and Knowledge3
RELI 3027Existentialism and Nihilism3
RELI 3056Philosophy of Mind, Consciousness, and Personal Identity3
RELI 3065History of Modern Western Philosophy3
RELI 3087Metaphysics: Quest for Reality3
RELI 3095Logic and Philosophy of Logic3
RELI 3096Contemporary Analytic Philosophy3
RELI 4005Philosophy of Religion3
RELI 4016Selected Topics/ Readings in Philosophical Studies3
RELI 4047Mind in Chinese Buddhist Philosophy3
RELI 4076Great Plays and Philosophy3
Group III
Christian Studies and Comparative Religion
RELI 3005Daoist Religion3
RELI 3017A Survey of Jewish and Christian Scriptures3
RELI 3026Christianity, Humanism and the Contemporary World3
RELI 3037Christian Spirituality3
RELI 3127History of Christian Thought3
RELI 3135Buddhism3
RELI 3137Confucianism3
RELI 3136Religious Rituals and Practices in Hong Kong3
RELI 3047Islam3
RELI 4025Christianity and Chinese Culture3
RELI 4027Selected Topics/ Readings in Christian Studies or Comparative Religion3
RELI 4035Comparative Religious Themes3
Group IV
Interdisciplinary Study of Religion
RELI 3075Religion and Animal3
RELI 3077Religion and Social Movements3
RELI 3086Religion, Violence and Peace3
RELI 3097Psychology and Religion3
RELI 3105Anthropology and Religion3
RELI 3106Religion and Modern Chinese Societies3
RELI 4015Mysticism and Religious Experience3
RELI 4036Religion and Ideology3
RELI 4037Sociology of Religion and Modern Society3
RELI 4046Selected Topics/ Readings in Religious Studies3
RELI 4065Dialogue between Religion and Modern Science3
Group V
Ethics and Society
RELI 3016Philosophy, Morality and Society3
RELI 3045Contemporary Ethical Problems: Hong Kong and Beyond3
RELI 3107Chinese Moral and Political Philosophy3
RELI 3115Theological Ethics3
RELI 3116Islamic Values and Contemporary Society3
RELI 3117Service Leadership and Meaning of Life and Death3
RELI 3125Social Justice, Liberalism and Economic Equality3
RELI 3126Theology, Liberalism and Sex in Chinese Societies3
RELI 4066Ethics of Human Rights: Theories and Controversies3
RELI 4067Environmental Ethics3
RELI 4075Selected Topics/ Readings in Ethics3

Schedule of courses by semester 

  • The core courses and elective courses will be offered in semester 1 and semester 2 according to the following table.


Sem 1
Sem 2
RELI 1005Quest for Truth and Meaning
RELI 2006Introduction to Christianity and Civilizations 
RELI 2007Problems of Philosophy 
RELI 2015Approaches to the Study of Religion 
RELI 2027Introduction to Chinese Philosophy and Religion 
RELI 2035Introduction to Ethics 
RELI 2036Social Scientific Study of Religion 
 All courses of Group 2 (Philosophical Studies) 
 All courses of Group 3 (Christian Studies and Comparative Religion) 
 All courses of Group 4 (Interdisciplinary Study of Religion) 
 All courses of Group 5 (Ethics and Society)