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Recent publications:


  • "Reconstructing a Theory of Mind in the Mengzi." Asian Studies, 2024, 12(1), 141–164. https://doi.org/10.4312/as.2024.12.1.141-164.

  • "On the Human Condition in the Zhuangzi." Philosophy East and West, 2024. Project MUSE, https://doi.org/10.1353/pew.2023.a917049.

  • "Rethinking the Mengzi's Concept of Tian 天,"  in Religions 2023, 14(8), 1015; https://doi.org/10.3390/rel14081015
  • Yangsheng 養生 as ‘making a living’ in the Zhuangzi, Asian Philosophy,2023, DOI: 10.1080/09552367.2022.2155350
  • “On the Human in the Zhuangzi’s Concept of Qi.” Philosophy East and West, 2021. Project MUSE, doi:10.1353/pew.0.0224.
  • On Subjectivity and Objectivity in the Mengzi—or Realism with a Confucian Face,” in Asian Philosophy, vol. 29:4, 2019.
  • 《<太一生水>的几个特点》,载《老子学集刊》第二辑,2018年。




Peking University, Chinese Philosophy, Ph.D.

Peking University, Chinese Philosophy, M.Phil.

University of California, Berkeley, Asian Studies, B.A.


Courses Taught currently

GTSU2016 Human Rights in a Multicultural World

Teaching area(s):

Chinese Philosophy, Daoist Philosophy, Comparative Philosophy

Research area(s):

Chinese Philosophy, Daoist Philosophy, Comparative Philosophy

Current project(s):


An Alternative Causality for Understanding Xing 性

Technology in Daoist Philosophy

Causal Ambiguity in Daoist Philosophy

Selected output(s):

Selected Conference Presentations:

  • Zhuangzi Sixiang he “Jishu” 庄子思想和“技术”(Zhuangzi’s Thought and “Technology”), “13th Yellow River Culture Forum第13届黄河文化论坛,” Kaifeng (Henan), Oct. 2021.
  • Zhuangzi Sixiang zhong de “Shenxin” Wenti yiji “Shentiguan”《庄子》思想中的“身心”问题以及“身体观”(The “Mind-Body” Problem in the Zhuangzi and its “Body Philosophy”), “Daoist Life Wisdom Conference道家生命智慧,”  Luyi (Henan), Oct. 2021.
  • On the Relationship between Qi and Humans in the Zhuangzi, 16th Midwest Conference on Chinese Thought (Online), Wright State University, April 30-May 5, 2021.
  • On Subjectivity and Objectivity in the Mengzi—or Realism with a Confucian Face, 1st International Philosophy Students’ Symposium: “Community and Individual,” National Taiwan University (Online), Dec. 3-5, 2020.
  • In Defense of Comparative Philosophy: the Convergence of East and West in Affective Embodiment, 2019 Uehiro Graduate Student Philosophy Conference, 口头报告;
  • 《荀子思想的初探——论“人性论”及社会观》(“Initial Investigation into Xunzi’s Thought—On “Human Nature” and Society”),2019荀子高端论坛,口头报告
  • 《庄子》的经验哲学及其身心观(“Zhuangzi’s Philosophy of Experience and Mind-Body Philosophy”),2019海外中国哲学研究;
  • On an Implicit Theory of the “Unity of Knowing and Acting” in the Zhuangzi, 2018 Philosophical Traditions: Comparative Philosophy and Its Limits;
  • 《<孟子>的道德之人与<庄子>的天然之人——藉由植物图像进行的互文对话》(“Mengzi’s Moral Person and Zhuangzi’s Natural Person—Intertextual Dialogue through Plant Imagery”),2018第二届国际青年儒学论坛;
  • 《道、气与身体:庄子的知识论一个探讨》(“Dao, Qi, and Body: In Investigation of Zhuangzi’s Epistemology”),2016华夏老子学研究联合会.