Research area(s): | Sociology of Religion; Hong Kong Christianity; Theological Anthropology; Political Theology |
Selected output(s): | “Stanley Hauerwas and ‘Chan Tai-man’: an Analysis of Hong Kong Laypeople's Lived Theology and Hong Kong Theologians’ Engagement with Stanley Hauerwas's Political Theology from a Practical Theology Perspective.” In Alfred Brusdon, Calida Chu eds. Practical Theology and Majority World Epistemologies pp. 130-144. London: Routledge, 2024. “Rethinking Hong Kong’s Theological Education: An Argument for Lived Theology.” Hong Kong Studies 4.2 (2024): 1-22. “#deltaδmovement: Hong Kong’s Lay Theologies in the Making (Digitally).” Asian American Theological Forum 10.1-2 (2023): 45-57. Stanley Hauerwas and ‘Chan Tai-man’: an Analysis of Hong Kong Laypeople's Lived Theology and Hong Kong Theologians’ Engagement with Stanley Hauerwas's Political Theology from a Practical Theology Perspective.” Practical Theology 16.2 (2023): 262-276. (Scopus and A&HCI Indexed Journal) Chu, Ann Gillian and John Perry. “‘If the Gospel we Preach Disregards Human Rights, I would Rather not Preach this Gospel’: Towards a Lived Theology of Hong Kong Churches.” Theology Today 79.4 (2023): 422-434. (Scopus and A&HCI Indexed Journal) - “Digital Research and COVID-19: An Argument for using both Primary and Qualitative Secondary Data in a Hong Kong Ethnography.” Ethnographic Encounters 12.1 (2022): 14-21.
- “From Folk Religion to Evangelical Christianity: A Case Study on the Process and Challenges of Retirement-age Chinese Males Converting from Folk Taoism to Evangelical Christianity in Hong Kong.” Asian American Theological Forum 8.2 (2021): 3-9.
- “Faith and Status Quo: What can Post-Handover Hong Kong Churches Learn from Liberation Theology?” Hill Road 23.45 (2020): 137-149.
Selected Conference Presentations: | Invited Presentation: “Medical Missions in Colonial and Post-Colonial Hong Kong,” 醫療、健康與基督宗教, Institute of Sino-Christian Studies, 13 December 2024. Invited Discussant: “Roundtable Discussion: Digital Ethics in Higher Education,” United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia and Centre for Holistic Teaching and Learning, 20 November 2024. Invited Presentation: “’I’m Quite Lucky!’ A Comparative Study of Ordained Chinese Canadian Female Pastors in Hong Kong and Vancouver, Canada,” East Asia Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, 7 July 2024. - Invited Presentation: “Reconsidering Social Services and Christian Churches in Post-War Hong Kong, 1940s-1970s” (co-authored with Dr Vincent W. P. Lee), The 13th International Symposium on the History of Christianity in Modern China: Archives and the History of Chinese Christianity in Modern Times, 6 June 2024.
- Invited Presentation: "Rethinking Hong Kong Theological Education: An Argument for Decolonising Hong Kong’s Theology,"Rethinking Hong Kong: a Hong Kong Studies Symposium, 8 December 2023.
- Invited Presentation: "#deltaδmovement: Hong Kong’s Lay Theologies in the Making (Digitally)," When Hong Kong Studies
Go Global Academic Conference, 8 December 2023. - Invited Presentation: "Hong Kong Christianity and Social Activism," University of British Columbia Hong Kong Studies Initiative -- State of Hong Kong Studies: an International Workshop, 10 June 2023.
- Invited Presentation: "Analysis and Evaluation of Hong Kong Theologians’ Engagement with the Political Theology of Stanley Hauerwas with Respect to the Occupy Central and Umbrella Movements,” The Tenth International Young Scholars’ Symposium on “Christianity and Chinese Society and Culture,” 7 December 2021.
- Invited Presentation: “Lived Theology and Narrative Portraits in Hong Kong Churches,” 2021 Asian American Theology Conference, 24 April 2021.
- Invited Presentation: “An Analysis of the Christian Church’s Response to the Handover of Hong Kong around 1997,” Hong Kong Sociological Association 21st Annual Conference, 30 November 2019.
- Invited Presentation: “An Analysis of the Understanding of and Engagement with Stanley Hauerwas’ Theological Convictions Among Selected Hong Kong Theologians in the Occupy Central and Umbrella Movements,” American Academy of Religion, Society of Biblical Literature, and American Schools of Oriental Research – Pacific Northwest Region Annual Meeting, 11 May 2018.
Award / Selected
Research Grants: | Project Grant, New Perspectives On Social Psychology And Religious Cognition For Theology: Training And Developing Science-Engaged Theologians, University of Birmingham (John Templeton Foundation Grant ID: 62699) Project Title: Left-behind Elderly Parents--The Theology and Social Role of Christian Organizations in Supporting Older Adults in Hong Kong whose Adult Children Migrated through the British National (Overseas) Visa Scheme - Best Doctoral Thesis Award, Rev. Dr. Lien-Hwa Chow Memorial Foundation, 2023
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Accessibility Fund Award Winner, School of Divinity, University of St Andrews, 2021-22
- Support Fund Award Winner, British Sociological Association, 2021-22
Knowledge Transfer
Activities /Projects | “我們需要怎樣的神學教育?談建構平信徒「生活化神學」的必要,” in the Christian Times (28 March 2024).
Online: Ethics Series: Applied Ethics and Accountancy - a Conversation," at the Association of Women Accountants, Hong Kong, delivered with Dr Baldwin
Wong. Online. 12 July 2023. "An Analysis of Hong Kong Lay Christians' Lived Theology," in the Hong Kong Insights, a publication by Hong Kong Studies Association (8 May 2023). Online: "有接觸才會開始理解:從基督教人文主義看世界," in the Christian Times (21 May 2021). Online: "淺談對英國國會跨黨派小組的誤解," in Think Hong Kong (2 April 2021). Online: "F&A Series: What has Jerusalem got to do with Hong Kong? How Christian Voices are being heard in the midst of Hong Kong Protests (2 Parts)," in Religion in Public, a publication by the Centre for Religion and Public Life, the University of Leeds (25 January 2021). Online: "Where China's Crackdown Leaves the Hong Kong Church," in Christianity Today (17 June 2020). Online: "What do You Mean, Colour?" in Blogos, a publication by the Logos Institute for Analytic and Exegetical Theology, the University of St Andrews (31 May 2020). Online: "A Perspective of Christianity on Civil Disobedience: A Study of Hong Kongʼs Occupy Central and the Umbrella Movement," in Women in Theology (27 April 2020). Online: "James K. A. Smith 文化禮儀三部曲│Cultural Liturgies Series 說書會," at Logos Publishers, Hong Kong. In- Person. 18 January 2020. "Hong Kong: City of Protests, City of God?" in LSE Religion and Global Society Interdisciplinary Blog (4 December 2019). Online: