疫症 x 受伤的世界创作比赛
宗教、哲学及伦理月 2020-2021
疫症 x 受伤的世界创作比赛结果
疫症 x 受伤的世界创作比赛结果
由宗教及哲学系主办的「宗教、哲学及伦理月2020-2021 - 疫症 x 受伤的世界创作比赛」共收到16份不同范畴的参赛作品。评判团认为今次比赛的参赛作品性质多样,质素甚高,令人鼓舞。经过严谨的评审后,得奖名单胪列如下 :
冠军 (奖金港币三千元) | 给黛安娜 (To Diana) 向阳 中国语言文学系博士研究生 |
亚军 (奖金港币二千元) | 万千灰尘 (With Dust) 王婧宜 人文及创作系本科生 |
季军 (奖金港币一千元) | 永恒的光芒 李芷晴 英文系本科生 |
优异奖 (各得港币二百元书劵) | 一只蝙蝠的 “忏悔书 ” 何林 宗教及哲学系本科生
Honkonstein; or, The Postmodern Hercules 程妍 英国语言文学系硕士研究生
Folorn Surya Narayan Singh 电影学院本科生
The World: Madness 李晓怡 音乐系本科生
轴 黄礼婷 宗教及哲学系本科生
特别鸣谢香港浸会大学尚志会对宗教、哲学及伦理月2020-2021 及是次比赛的赞助与支持 !
Organized by
Department of Religion and Philosophy
Sponsored by
HKBU Century Club
Participants may relate the topic by one or more of the following sub-topics with religion and philosophy
- Life and death
- Social distancing
- Loneliness and solitude
- Reflections of life
- Faith
- Suffering
- There is no restriction on the format, but story, poem, lyric, photo, comic, animation, mobile movie etc. are preferred.
- For submission of story, poem and lyric, there should be no more than 6000 characters in Chinese and 10000 words in English.
- For submission of photo, the format should be jpg/jpeg with 300 at least dpi. Photo-editing is not allowed.
- For submission of videos or movies, it must be not more than 3 minutes. They can be created by using any production techniques. The format should be mp4 /.mov
Winner: HK$3,000
1st Runner-up: HK$2,000
2nd Runner-up: HK$1,000
Participants submitting videos or animation can have a maximum of HK$500 support related to the shooting or production. Participants have to provide original receipts for the reimbursement of the expenses.
All HKBU students. Each entry can be submitted by an individual or a group of not more than four students.
- All footages, audio clips (including music) and ideas of the script used in the entry are used legally, and authorization(s) has been granted from the copyright owner(s); the participants should bear the legal responsibilities of the copyright of the entry.
- Participants should sign the consent form for allowing the Department of Religion and Philosophy to use the submitted works for educational and promotion purpose.
- All videos/animations submitted, no matter awarded or not, will become the property of the Department of Religion and Philosophy and can be used for future promotional or educational purposes. The Department of Religion and Philosophy is authorized to use all or any parts of the entries including but not limited to website releases, publications, exhibition of the entries and production of teaching kits. In all cases, no specific notification or further payment will be given to the participants except the incentive and/or award (if applicable) initially given.
Enrolment Method:
Please complete the Online Enrolment and Consent Form by 16 April 2021 (Fri):
Before filling the online enrollment and consent form, please note the followings:
- Please READ the Guidelines on this webpage.
- Please prepare the link for us to download your entry.
- Participants submitting videos or animation can have a maximum of HK$500 support related to the shooting or production. Participants have to provide original receipts for the reimbursement of the expenses to the General Office of Department of Religion and Philosophy at CEC1001 during our office hour (Mon – Fri, 9:00 – 1:00pm, 2:00 – 5:50pm) before the deadline (16 April 2021).
Rules and Regulations
- Each person can only participate either as an individual or as a member of one and only one group.
- Each individual or team can submit ONE work only.
- Seeking assistance from professional videographers or professional editors is not allowed.
- Participants must obtain appropriate copyright authorization in advance on all clips, photos or music used.
- Entry must be original and unpublished work.
- The Department of Religion and Philosophy reserves the right to amend the regulations and other arrangements without prior notice, and the organizer’s decision on all matters relating to Competition will be final.
- In the event of disputes, the Department of Religion and Philosophy reserves the right to disqualify any entry and/or retract any award from the entrant.
Judging criteria
The selection panel will consider and score each entry according to the following criteria. Judges’ decisions are final.
Message Content (40 points) | Creativity and Originality (40 points) |
Bonus Points for Video Submission (10 points) | People’s Choice – Most Likes (10 points) |
- Deadline of submission: 16 April 2021
- Start of polling date: 21 April 2021
- End of polling date: 5pm, 30 April 2021
- Result announcement: 31 May 2021