宗教、哲学及伦理月梦想与⼈⽣规划系列讲座 2021-22
主办: 香港浸会大学 宗教及哲学系
Organized by: Department of Religion and Philosophy,
Hong Kong Baptist University
第二场 / Second Lecture
The Dream of God in Christianity
日期及时间 / Date & Time :
2021. 11. 12. [五 Fri] 2:30 - 4:20pm
讲者/ Speaker :
Prof. Andres Tang (Ph.D., University of St. Andrews)
Professor, Christian Thought (Theology and Culture), Hong Kong Baptist Theological Seminary
语言/ Language :
粤语/ Cantonese
地点 / Venue :
RRS905 (只限浸大学生及职员) 及 Zoom (欢迎社会大众网上参与)
第一场 / First Lecture
智理乎!愚梦乎! ——从《列⼦》两则寓言説起
Wisdom, an ideal? Foolishness, a dream? —— A Discourse on Two Fables in Liezi
日期及时间 / Date & Time :
2021. 10. 6. [三 Wed] 2:30 - 4:20pm
讲者 / Speaker :
Rev. Edward Chau (Ph.D, FJCU)
Professor, Holy Spirit Seminary College of Theology and Philosophy
语言 / Language :
粤语 / Cantonese
地点 / Venue :
RRS905 (只限浸大学生及职员) 及 Zoom (欢迎社会大众网上参与)