- 日期
- 2024年05月04日
- 时间
- 09:00-16:30
- 地点
- 香港浸会大学逸夫校园永隆商业银行大厦WLB 201/ 205/ 207 + zoom
- 语言
- 普通话及广东话
4 May, 2024 9:00AM – 4:30PM
Hybrid at HK Baptist University Campus
Cantonese – English – Putonghua
9:00AM – 12:00PM
online via zoom – Cantonese & Putonghua
Prof. Stephen Tsui is Professor & Associate Director at CUHK School of Biomedical Sciences, Director of HK Bioinformatics Centre & Centre for Microbial Genomics & Proteomics. In 2003, his lab was one of the first in the world to decode the SARS coronavirus genome. Prof. Tsui is active in his church and serves on the board of China Graduate School of Theology.
Mr. Lowell Lo is founder of BM Intelligence Group that went public in 2001. A leading financial services provider in Asia Pacific, it provides corporate services to both companies and individual clients. Its head office in HK is supported by branch offices in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen. In recent years, BMI has also been acquiring companies in Japan.
Mr. Andy Tan is Group CEO of Century Interfoods Sdn Bhd of Malaysia. He grew up in a three-generation food business family. As a serial entrepreneur , he has started 9 businesses in the last 25 years, ranging from gourmet restaurant network to international seafood distribution. Mr. Tan is a cell group leader in Gospel Hall Kuala Lumpur.
Dr. Michael Wu is chairman of Creative Asset Management Ltd. With extensive experience in financial investment and corporate finance, he was the former CEO of China Chengtong Asset Management (HK) and senior executive of various international banks and financial institutions. Michael is active in community service. With a DBA from HK PolyU, he is adjunct professor at CityU.
Many young people aspire to convert scientific advances into profitable business that could contribute to human flourishing. With a long career of illustrious accomplishments in biomedical research, Prof. Stephen Tsui has started several companies based on his research in the last few years.
In 2018, he was joined by Mr. Lowell Lo and others to launch BioMed Technology Holdings Co., Ltd. As an academic, what has Prof. Tsui learned about communication with the business sector? As Christians, what is the challenge in integrity when working with companies to design and produce products.
Prof. Tsui and Mr. Lo will be joined by Mr. Andy Tan and Dr. Michael Wu, two seasoned entrepreneurs from diverse backgrounds, to discuss the temptations of being in business and how to grow through the challenges.
9:00AM – 12:00PM
online via zoom – Cantonese & Putonghua
Moderator: Dr. Anna Hui
Associate Professor of Applied Social Sciences, City University of Hong Kong
The father’s role in parenting efficacy for reducing aggressive behavior in children父亲的角色和效能在减低儿童暴力行为的研究
Dr. Annis Fung, Associate Professor of Applied Social Sciences, City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大学社会及行为科学系冯丽姝副教授
The father’s roles in contemporary society and faith groups: Centre for Fatherhood Strategies & Challenges in Collaborating with Christian Pastors in Hong Kong
在现代社会和教会群体中的父亲角色: 好爸爸中心的协作策略和挑战
Mr. Anton Wan, General Secretary, Family Value Foundation of Hong Kong, RSW 维护家庭基金总干事 温南声
Reflection on Fatherhood Experience as a Christian 为人父亲的经验- 基督徒的反思
Dr. Andrew Low, Saint Francis University, Hong Kong 香港圣方济各大学汤罗凤贤社会科学院罗耀增博士
9:00AM – 12:00PM
Hybrid at WLB 205 – Putonghua
Moderator: 谢文郁教授 – 山东大学
Respondent: 关启文教授– 香港浸会大学
人生与苦难 - 佛教与基督教对话
* 陈坚教授 – 山东大学
* 余达心教授 – 中国神学研究院荣休院长
Lunch at NTT Bistro - G/F, 32 Renfrew Road, Kowloon Tong
1:30 – 4:30PM
Hybrid at WLB 205 – Putonghua
Moderator: 邹晓东副教授 – 山东大学
Respondent: 关启文教授– 香港浸会大学
生生与创造: 儒家与基督教对话
* 陈贇教授 - 华东师范大学
* 骆德恩副教授 - 香港浸会大学
1:30 – 4:30PM
Hybrid at WLB 207– Cantonese & Putonghua
Moderator: Dr. Jonathan Chung
Associate Professor of Materials Science & Engineering, City University of Hong Kong
Prof. Emeritus Ho Fung Leung is Emeritus Professor and former Head of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at CUHK. His research interests cover various aspects centering around artificial intelligence, including multiagent systems, game theoretic analysis, ontologies, and big data analytics. Professor Leung has authored more than 300 publications, including 5 research monographs, and 5 edited volumes.
Prof. Emeritus Haydn Chen is Professor Emeritus of Materials at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Chief Strategy Officer at Taiwan National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU) where he is also Professor of Semiconductor Technology (since 2017). He also served as Chair Professor & Head of Applied Physics & Material Engineering of CityU of Hong Kong (2000-2004), President of Tunghai University (2004-2012) and Vice Rector for Student Affairs of University of Macau (2012-2017).
Mr. Andy Heng is General Manager & Head of Cash Products at Bank of Montreal (Guangzhou, China) where he has been serving since 2010. His 25-year international banking career also took him to Standard Chartered Bank of Hong Kong and OCBC Bank of Singapore. He has a BBA from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia and a MCS from Regent College.
LIF 2024 合办单位:
香港浸会大学中华基督宗教研究中心 (Centre for Sino-Christian Studies, HKBU)
维护家庭基金 (Family Value Foundation of Hong Kong Limited)
香港专业人才服务机构 (Hong Kong Professional & Educational Services Limited)