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LIF2023 – 8th Annual Conference of Logos International Forum: 信仰与当代社会及文化议题

浸大逸夫校园DLB 712/ DLB 719/ zoom

A peer learning forum for Christian professionals & academics

The Vision


LIF began in 2015 when Christian faculty members from seven HK institutions came together with a vision for faith-learning integration to engage society and culture.         


The first five annual conferences culminated in the celebration of the May 4 Centenary in 2019.  After a break in 2020 due to the pandemic, we resumed online in 2021 and 2022 with “Faith & Vocation in a Time of Transition” and “Serving Our Generation in Changing Times” as our themes.  


We are thankful for technology that has made it possible for participants to join us not only from the Mainland, but also a few Asian countries outside of Hong Kong.  


The Call in 2023


As Hong Kong slowly recovers from the social upheaval of 2019 and adjusts to the ongoing sociopolitical changes, our society is faced with many complex and challenging issues.       


This year, in our Education & Social Sciences track, we are exploring gender issues in Hong Kong that demands thoughtful responses from the faith community as we reflect on the legal, cultural, pastoral and theological perspectives.


Our economy is struggling with the impact of the pandemic.  Beyond survival, what are some unchanging principles that Christian businesses should hold on to in these difficult times?  The Faith & Business track will examine the biblical perspectives and practical implications of stewardship in managing people and profits. 


On the world stage, international relations continue to be volatile.  The need for east-west understanding is more pressing than ever before.  Our Faith & Chinese Culture track will have two sessions of Christian-Confucian Dialogue to explore some fundamental issues.


As society and culture continue to change, we are committed to faith, hope and love as we serve our generation with compassion, wisdom, humility and courage with all that we have received from God in our education and professional training.








    FAITH & BUSINESS - online - Cantonese
        Stewardship: Implications for People Management
        *  Prof. ChungMing Lau, former Professor & Head of Management, CUHK Business School
        *  Dr. Natalie Man Se Chan, Director of Bethel Ray Bakke Centre for Urban Transformation
        Stewardship: Biblical Perspectives of Wealth Creation 
        *  Dr. Ricky Szeto, CEO & Executive Director of Hung Fook Tong Group Holdings Ltd.
        *  Ms. Patricia Yuen, Executive Director of EGL Tours                                                              
Our economy is struggling.  On March 26, Hong Kong Professional & Educational Services hosted a hybrid seminar featuring two local CEOs Mrs. Patricia Yuen of EGL Tours and Dr. Ricky Szeto of Hung Fook Tong Group who shared their personal “朝不保夕经历神”journeys of experiencing God in difficult times in the last three years since the pandemic began.  


In this webinar, they will be joined by Dr. ChungMing Lau, a senior Business academic, and Dr. Natalie Chan, a theologian who spent many years in the corporate world, to explore what are some unchanging principles and core values that Christian business people should hold on to in these difficult times that will enable them to survive and thrive.


Prof. Chung-Ming Lau was former professor and head of Management at the Chinese University of Hong Kong Business School.  He was the founding President of the Asia Academy of Management.  He is a member of EFCC Yan Fook Ma On Shan Church and currently serves as the Chairman of Christian Communications Ltd.  Besides his academic publications in the management field, he has also authored several church-related books, including Church Management Make Sense, Courage to Lead, and Six Leadership Essentials.


Dr. Natalie Man Se Chan is Director of Bethel Ray Bakke Centre for Urban Transformation (BRBC), Professor in Urban Ministry and Program Director for two doctoral programs and one  master program at Bethel Bible Seminary.  BRBC has published research about churches in Hong Kong including recent titles such as “The Churched and Dechurched”, “Church Ministry and Online service during the Pandemic”, “New Church Expression – rethinking the essence of the Church in turbulent times” and “The Spiritual State of Christians in Hong Kong”.  BRBC has also just published a new book Transforming Theology in Action – 12 Praxis in City Lives, edited by Natalie.


Dr. Ricky Szeto Wing-fu has joined Hung Fook Tong Group Holdings Limited (Stock Code 1446) since 1999 and is currently the Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director of the group. 


Dr. Szeto serves at various public service committees, including the Committee on Hong Kong Tourism Board, Social Welfare Advisory Committee, Industry Training Advisory Committee, and  Advisory Committee on the Enhancing Self-Reliance Through District Partnership Programme. Dr. Szeto is also director of Alliance Bible Seminary, Vice-Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation, and chairman of Hong Kong Professional &  Educational Services.  He is former Program Director of Bachelor of Business Administration and Master of Marketing at Hong Kong Shue Yan University and currently Professor of Practice in Hong Kong Polytechnic University.


Ms. Patricia Yuen is currently Executive Director of EGL Tours which has been listed in HKEX since 2014.  Pat has extensive knowledge and experience in the tourism industry.  She is also a  deaconess at Tsung Tsin Mission of HK Whampoa Church.
        The Legacy of Chinese Christian Universities
          *  Prof. Ruth Hayhoe, Professor of Leadership, Higher & Adult Education, Univ. of Toronto

In this talk I will share thoughts that developed out of a recent translation project, in which we selected thirteen essays and book chapters recently published in China by historians and sociologists analysing the lessons learned from China’s historic Christian universities. All of them were merged with public universities in the reorganization of 1952 and condemned as expressions of cultural imperialism. However, in China’s opening up in the 1980s, Professor Zhang Kaiyuan, a leading historian, established a center to research their legacy and guided many scholars in related research.


In 2022 the 100th anniversary of the United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia was celebrated. Founded in 1922 to support universities in China, it had extended support to Christian higher education throughout Asia after 1952, then reconnected with China in the early 1980s. It is worth reflecting on lessons we can learn as Christian academics from the history of Christian higher education in China and Asia.


Prof. Ruth Hayhoe is a Professor at the University of Toronto. She served as First Secretary for Education, Science and Culture in the Canadian Embassy in Beijing (1989-1991), Visiting Professor at Nagoya University (1996) and Director of the Hong Kong Institute of Education, now the Education University of Hong Kong (1997-2002). Her recent books include China Through the Lens of Comparative Education (2015), Canadian Universities in China’s Transformation: An Untold Story (2016) and Religion and Education (2018).  Ruth received the Silver Bauhinia Star from the Hong Kong SAR Government and the title of Commandeur dans l’ordre des Palmes Académiques from the Government of France in 2002.  She has a PhD from University of London and also holds honorary doctorates from the Hong Kong Institute of Education (2002), the Open University of Hong Kong (2015) and Victoria University in Toronto (2019).


Serving Youth in Difficult Times: Update from Project Change
        *  Dr. Pauline Sung-Chan, Project Change Founding Director 
        *  Prof. Yun Wing Sung, former Professor & Chair of Economics, CUHK                      


Project Change is a multi-disciplinary team of HK academics and professionals financially independent from the government providing timely comprehensive psychological counseling and legal support to arrested youths in Hong Kong’s 2019 anti-extradition movement.


Their mission is to provide comprehensive and de-politicized support for the arrested youths and their families so as to aid them in weathering and overcoming the predicaments wrought upon them by the social movement.


In LIF2022, our speakers presented what they had learned from serving the youths and their families in over 200 cases since June 15, 2020 when the Project was launched.  


This year, they will update us with their progress with more stories.


Prof. Pauline Sung-Chan received her Ph.D. from University of Nottingham, England. Currently, she is the founding director of the Citizen Action Design Limited (a policy think tank). Since February 2020, she has served as an honorary associate professor of the Hong Kong Institute of Economics and Business Strategy.  She is a research investigator at the Prevention Research Center of Washington University in St Louis, USA.


Prof. Sung-Chan was Associate Professor at Department of Applied Social Sciences of Hong Kong Polytechnic University from 1994 to 2015, visiting Professor at the School of Medicine of Tongji University, Shanghai, from 2015 to 2018, and adjunct associate professor at the Institute for Public Policy of Hong Kong University of Science & Technology from 2017 to 2019.  Her other high-level appointments include: Deputy Director of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University-Peking University Social Work Research Center, Fulbright Senior Research Scholar of Washington University in St Louis (2011-2012), USA, and visiting scholar at Department of Urban Studies and Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


Prof. Sung-Chan has been active in promoting social work development and social work education in Mainland China since the early 1990. She played a pivotal role in developing the first MSW program in Mainland China in collaboration with the Dept. of Sociology at Peking University to offer a train the trainer’s program. She was the founding director of the program for the 2002-03 cohort.


Since 2012, Prof. Sung Chan has conducted several innovative public health research studies with cross discipline research team to promote and implement scientific research in Mainland China and Hong Kong.  She has collaborated with various organizations including the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, and Jockey Club School of Public Health of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her most recent groundbreaking research has been a cross-university and cross-discipline research on promoting social mobility through an evidence-based e-parenting program. This Early Childhood Investment Initiative (2017-2020) is the first of its kind in Hong Kong and Mainland China.


Her research interest includes organizational learning and transformation, action research, social mobility, adolescent obesity, adolescent mental health, families in Transition in Mainland China, professional education effectiveness, and cross-country evidence-based research.


Dr. Yun-wing Sung (Ph.D. in Economics, University of Minnesota, 1979) was Chairman of the Economics Department of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) for 17 years (1995 – 2012). He is currently adjunct Professor of the Department, Associate Director of the Joint Shanghai–Hong Kong Development Institute (CUHK and Fudan University), and Associate Director of the Economic Research Centre, Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, CUHK. He received two prestigious awards in the field of economics in China, namely, Sun YeFang Award of Economic Science (2009-10), and Award of the Pekang Chang Research Foundation of Development Economics (2009). 


He is Corresponding Editor of Asian Pacific Economic Literature, members of Editorial Boards of China Review: An Interdisciplinary Journal on Greater China, Asian-Pacific Journal of Business, and The Global Studies Journal, and also member of the Advisory Committee of China Economic Journal.  In public service, he is member of Chinese Association of Hong Kong and Macau Studies (2013–present), of Expert Advisory Committee of the Institute of Free Trade Areas of Sun Yat-Sen University (2015–present), Honorary Senior Research Fellow of Hong Kong Policy Research Institute and of Bauhinia Institute, Academic Advisor of Hong Kong Cultural Development Institute, and member of Advisory Committee of Citizen Action Design Limited.

    *  对话:杨鹏 - 独立学者  /  赵法生 - 中国社会科学院宗教研究所研究员
    *  主持:谢文郁 - 山东大学犹太教与跨宗教研究中心退休教授;香港浸会大学中华基督宗教研究中心客座研究员


谢文郁,山东大学犹太教与跨宗教研究中心教授,北美中华福音神学院历史神学教授,香港浸会大学中华基督宗教研究中心客座研究员。美国克莱门特大学Claremont Graduate Univeristy宗教学博士,北京大学哲学硕士。历任北京大学哲学系讲师、美国关岛大学哲学教授、洛杉矶国际神学院神学与哲学教授。主要研究兴趣:基督教思想、宗教哲学、希腊哲学、比较哲学。代表著作:《形而上学与西方思维》(2017年);《自由与责任》(2014年);《道路与真理》(2012年);《自由与生存》(2007年);《蒂迈欧篇》(2003年、2005年、2021年);The Concept of Freedom (2002);《失魂与还魂》(1995年)。中英文学术论文逾百篇。
12:00-1:30   Lunch at NTT Bistro 


   *  对话:瞿旭彤 - 清华大学哲学系长聘副教授 / 唐文明 - 清华大学哲学系教授及系主任
   *  主持:邹晓东 - 山东大学儒学高等研究院副教授                






    FAITH, EDUCATION & SOCIAL SCIENCES - hybrid [Venue: DLB 719+zoom]- Cantonese
    *  关启文博士 - 香港浸会大学宗教及哲学系教授                                                 


2023年2月6日香港终审法院裁定,由女转男的跨性别人士在保留子宫和卵巢的情况下,仍可更改身份证上的性别(案件编号:FACV Nos. 8 & 9 of 2022 ;诉讼各方:Tse Henry Edward v. Commissioner of Registration,Q v. Commissioner of Registration)。 法庭认为,身份证上的性别标记是用於核实身份,而非确立法律上的性别;要求跨性别人士接受完整变性手术的规定违反人权。关启文博士会分析有关判决及对整个社会的性别观念、教育和女性权益等的影响。



    *  郑安然先生 - 香港性文化学会事工总监、性教育工作者                                       




郑安然先生是香港性文化学会事工总监,创立一套以科学和伦理学作基础的互动体验式性教育教材。十年来到中小学教授。曾到香港电台电视部及香港开电视分享性教育心得。创立新媒体平台例如Podcast「Sex But True 骑呢性趣闻」。

    *  姜雁慈女士 - 新造的人协会总干事、资深社工                                                      


当教牧和信徒在教会遇上跨性别人士,可以用甚么心态和行动接待他们? 姜雁慈女士及团队具有多年与跨性别人士同行牧养的经验。透过不同故事点滴,与大家分享信仰群体与跨性别人士的同行锦囊及全人成长转化蓝图。



    *  杨思言博士 (中国神学研究院神学科助理教授)                                                 







•    Centre for Sino-Christian Studies, HKBU - https://rel.hkbu.edu.hk/research/centre-for-sino-christian-studies 
•    Hong Kong Professional & Educational Services - https://hkpes.com/ 
•    Hong Kong Sex Culture Society – http://scs.org.hk