
- 日期
- 2022年07月28日
- 时间
- 15:30-17:00
- 地点
- Zoom网上会议 + FB 直播,连结以电邮通知
- 讲者
- 陈家富教授,山东大学犹太教与跨宗教研究中心
- 语言
- 广东话
This lecture aims at introducing the current three approaches of animal studies and their ethical implications. The strategy of identity approach tries to defend animal welfare and animal rights through arguing for the identical relationship between animal and human; this perspective is strongly rejected by the different approach in which the animal Other is emphasized to distance the ontological and ethical position between human and animal. Lastly, the indistinction approach examines the anthropological machine in which animality and humanity are united and dislocated, and points to the way how to escape and deactivate this machine.
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