Research Areas: | - Applied ethics; comparative ethics; ethics of war and peace
Current Projects: | - Just War Traditions in Christian Theology and Confucianism
- Martin Luther King’s Ethics of Nonviolent Resistance
Recent Publications: | - 編著:《先秦諸子與戰爭倫理》,香港,中華書局,2016 (399 pp.)
- Chinese Just War Ethics: Origin, Development, and Dissent, co-edited by Ping-cheung Lo and Sumner B. Twiss. London: Routledge, 2015 (paperback Jan 2017) (298pp).
- 《生命倫理學的中國哲學思考》, 北京,人民大學出版社,2013,共257頁。(co-author)
- 編著:《先秦諸子與戰爭倫理》,香港,中華書局,2016 (399 pp.)
- Chinese Just War Ethics: Origin, Development, and Dissent, co-edited by Ping-cheung Lo and Sumner B. Twiss. London: Routledge, 2015 (paperback Jan 2017) (298pp).
- 《生命倫理學的中國哲學思考》, 北京,人民大學出版社,2013,共257頁。(co-author)
Selected Outputs | - “Gratian and Mengzi: Seminal Works in Christian and Confucian Just War Traditions,” accepted for publication by The Journal of Religious Ethics in late 2020
- “Varieties of Statecraft and Warfare Ethics in Early China” (chapter 1), in Chinese Just War Ethics: Origin, Development, and Dissent, edited by Ping-cheung Lo and Sumner B. Twiss (London: Routledge, 2015), pp.3-25.
- “The Art of War Corpus and Chinese Just War Ethics Past and Present” (chapter 2), in Chinese Just War Ethics: Origin, Development, and Dissent, edited by Ping-cheung Lo and Sumner B. Twiss (London: Routledge, 2015), pp.29-65.
- “Warfare Ethics in Sunzi’s Art of War? Historical Controversies and Contemporary Perspectives” (chapter 3), in Chinese Just War Ethics: Origin, Development, and Dissent, edited by Ping-cheung Lo and Sumner B. Twiss (London: Routledge, 2015), pp.66-89.
- “Legalism and Offensive Realism in the Chinese Court Debate On Defending National Security 81 BCE” (chapter 11), in Chinese Just War Ethics: Origin, Development, and Dissent, edited by Ping-cheung Lo and Sumner B. Twiss (London: Routledge, 2015), pp.249-280.
Selected Conference Presentations: | - “Relative Justice, Relativism, and Hong Kong Ecclesial Responses to Social Action,” a keynote speech presented in the International Conference on Christian Social Activism in Chinese Societies,” Purdue University, 24-26 Feb, 2019.
- “Baptists’ Contribution to Separation of Church and State,” presented in Christianity and Law in Modern China Conference, jointly organized by Centre for Applied Ethics (HKBU), Christianity and China Research Center (Los Angeles) and Center for Religion and Modern Society (Shanghai University), 14-15 Dec, 2018.
- “Just Cause in Early China: A Comparative Analysis,” presented in Western-Chinese Ethics of War and Peace Conference, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, 30 Nov – 1 Dec, 2018.
Selected Research Grants: | - General Research Fund (GRF), Research Grant Council of Hong Kong 2016-17 of HK$160,000. Topic: “Realism and Warfare Ethics in Early China: A Cross-cultural Analysis of Hanfeizi”. 2016 – 2018.
- General Research Fund (GRF), Research Grant Council of Hong Kong 2011-12 of HK$378,436. Topic: “Chinese Just War Ethics: Ancient Thought, Contemporary Explications, and Comparative Analysis.”. 2011–2014.
- Competitive Earmarked Research Grant (CERG), Research Grant Council of Hong Kong 2005-2006. of HK$207,904. Topic: Philosophical Foundations for Genetic Ethics – A Bicultural Investigation . 2006–2008.
Knowledge Transfer Activities / Projects: | - Lecture & Workshop on Clinical Ethics: Principles and Application, for “Kowloon East Cluster” Hospital Nurses on 7 July 2016; organized by Kowloon East Cluster Hospitals Clinical Ethics Committee & Nursing Service Division. Number of attendance (public hospital nurses): 40
- “Euthanasia and the case of 斌仔,” Ju Ching Chu Secondary School, 26 March 2015. Number of attendance (secondary school students): 200.
- “Genetic Screening: Excitements and Anxieties,” Cumberland Presbyterian Church Yao Dao Secondary School, 20 March 2014. Number of attendance (secondary school students): 100.
- “Genetic Technology and Values,” H.K. Sze Yap C & I A Wong Tai Shan Memorial College, 3 March 2014. Number of attendance (secondary school students): 200.