The 13th International Symposium on the History of Christianity in Modern China

The 13th International Symposium on the History of Christianity in Modern China
Hong Kong, 6-7 June 2024
Theme: Archives and the History of Chinese Christianity in Modern Times
Organizers: Centre for Sino-Christian Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University and
Divinity School of Chung Chi College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Co-organizer: Society for the Study of History of Christianity in China
Sponsors: Chung Chi College and Department of Cultural and Religious Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Christian Study Centre on Chinese Religion and Culture
Founded in Hong Kong in 1998, the International Symposium on the History of Christianity in Modern China has established itself as an arena where intellectual exchanges occur among international researchers of the modern history of Chinese Christianity. The 13th Symposium will be held at Hong Kong Baptist University on 6 and 7 June 2024. Researchers are invited to submit proposals for papers in Chinese or English on any topic related to the conference theme ‘Archives and the History of Chinese Christianity in Modern Times’. Proposals for papers based on archival research or discussing the potentials and/or limitations of archival research are particularly welcomed.
• 31 January 2024: Proposals for papers including your name, email address, institutional affiliation and a 250-word abstract should be submitted online via Formstack: <>. Papers in Chinese, if accepted, will be presented in Putonghua at the Symposium.
• 15 February 2024: Notification of acceptance and results of application for bursaries
• 1 March 2024: Confirmation of participation in the Symposium
• 1 May 2024: Submission of full papers (5,000 words in Chinese or English: the word count excludes footnotes and bibliography)
Selected papers presented at the Symposium will be peer-reviewed and published in a special issue of Ching Feng: A Journal on Christianity and Chinese Religion and Culture.
Three bursaries (HK$3,000 each) will be offered to young scholars based outside of Hong Kong who will present their papers at the Symposium. For this purpose, ‘young scholars’ are defined as full-time doctoral students or those who obtained his/her doctoral degree no earlier than 31 January 2021. The organizing committee will make its decisions based on the following criteria: 1) academic merit and originality of proposal, 2) relevance to conference theme, 3) financial need, and 4) academic achievements to date and prospects. Eligible applicants should submit a 250-word personal statement addressing his/her financial need, proof of doctoral student status or doctoral degree and a 2-page CV, along with his/her proposal for paper.
For enquiries, please contact the organizing committee at
Organizing Committee
Dr George Kam Wah Mak, Associate Professor, Department of Religion and Philosophy, Hong Kong Baptist University (Co-chair)
Dr Christina Wai-Yin Wong, Assistant Professor, Divinity School of Chung Chi College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Co-chair)
Dr. Agnes Suk Man Pang, Assistant Professor and Associate Head, Department of History, Hong Kong Shue Yan University
Rev. Dr. Sai-Kit Ho, Minister-in-charge, Cumberland Presbyterian Church Cheung Chau Church