HKBU Seminar Discusses Catholic Church in China under Sino-Vatican Agreement
The Department of Religion and Philosophy and the Centre for Sino-Christian Studies jointly hosted a seminar on the “Catholic Church in China under the Sino-Vatican Agreement” on 15 March.
At the seminar, which was attended by almost 100 students and members of the public, Cardinal Joseph Zen, Bishop Emeritus of The Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong; Ms Candy Chan, a producer from Radio Television Hong Kong; and Professor Chan Shun-hing from the Department of Religion and Philosophy, discussed the future of the Catholic Church in China under the agreement, and in particular, the response of underground churches, priests and believers.
During the discussion, the speakers shared their concerns that underground priests in mainland China may split into different camps, including accepting the arrangement of the agreement, while others may leave the underground church and return home. They said that some priests remain part of underground churches, and may even develop their own church outside of the Vatican hierarchy.