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Lecture Series on Psychology & Christianity: Towards a Constructive Dialogue between Christianity and Psychiatry

23 Nov 2021
Seminar and ColloquiumCentre for Sino-Christian Studies
poster of Towards a Constructive Dialogue between Christianity and Psychiatry
23 Nov 2021
RRS 905, Ho Sin Hang Campus, Hong Kong Baptist University (Full)/ Zoom ID: 929 6769 9535, Password: 660730

photo of Prof. Michael Wong


Prof. Michael Wong Tak Hing , Clinical Professor, Department of Psychiatry, LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong 


Professor Michael TH Wong is Clinical Professor, Department of Psychiatry, LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong and Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist and Head, Neuropsychiatry Program, Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong.
Professor Wong is trained in neuropsychiatry, philosophy and theology. He is Chair, Section of Philosophy & Humanities in Psychiatry, World Psychiatric Association and Senior Editor of the journal Philosophy, Psychiatry & Psychology. His current research focuses on Youth Neuropsychiatry, values-based practice, and person-centered medicine. 
Professor Wong is author of Ricoeur and the Third Discourse of the Person: From Philosophy and Neuroscience to Psychiatry and Theology (Lexington Books, 2019).

photo of Dr. Ronald Chen


Dr. Ronald Chen, Psychiatrist in Private Practice, Alliance Medical Center


Mental illness is common and attracts misunderstanding and stigma. Christians have been using psychiatry in a variety of ways when dealing with mental health issues guided by their denominational tradition and theological position. Psychiatry, as a medical specialty dealing with disorders of thinking, feeling and acting, has overcome her previous swings between the extremes of "brainlessness" and "mindlessness" and adopted a balanced bio-psycho-social framework nowadays but a neglect and ambivalence towards the role of religion and spirituality remains. Professor Michael TH Wong, a neuropsychiatrist and a practising Christian, argues that an informed Christian theological anthropology provides insights into the reality of pain and suffering and how mental healing can be experienced. In this lecture Professor Wong will explain how Whole Person Care, i.e. a bio-psycho-socio-spiritual approach is philosophically valid, theologically legitimate and clinically practicable.  Anyone who is concerned with the relationship between Christianity and Psychiatry and those who are involved in mental health issues as practitioners, patients or carers will find this lecture of interest and relevance.


主題:弗洛伊德對宗教的批判——基督教與心理分析的對話可能嗎?(The Freudian Critique of Religion: Is the Dialogue between Christianity and Psychoanalysis Possible?)
